Publishing Details

Legal Notice: Please note that only the German version of this privacy statement is legally binding. You can access the legally binding version here.

This is a website of DB InfraGO AG.

Adam-Riese-Straße 11-13
60327 Frankfurt am Main

DB InfraGO Stations:
Europaplatz 1
10557 Berlin

If you have any questions or comments regarding this web presence of DB InfraGO AG, please contact

Headquarter of the company: Frankfurt am Main

Registry court: Frankfurt am Main, HRB 50879
Reg. No.: DE 199861757

DB InfraGO AG is represented by the Board of Management: Dr. Philipp Nagl, Jens Bergmann, Ingrid Felipe, Dr. Christian Gruß, Heike Junge-Latz, Heinz Siegmund and Ralf Thieme.

Competent supervisory authority:
Heinemannstraße 6
53175 Bonn

DB InfraGO AG takes part in conciliation procedures conducted by Schlichtungsstelle Reise & Verkehr e.V. (Fasanenstraße 81, 10623 Berlin), Germany’s dispute arbitration board for public transport, in the event that these are necessary. If you have submitted a complaint to us and are not satisfied with how we handled it, you can request conciliation from the independent arbitration board.

Terms and conditions of use

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DB InfraGO AG, Geschäftsbereich Personenbahnhöfe, Europaplatz 1, 10557 Berlin, Germany is the operator of this website. By using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions of use. This also applies if you use the website or sections of it from other websites.

I. The contents of this website are created with the greatest possible care. However, the operator does not assume any liability regarding the correctness, completeness or up-to-dateness of the contents on offer.

II. A claim to the use of the website does not exist. The operator reserves the right to discontinue or change its offer in whole or in part at any time. The operator does not assume any liability for interruptions or other disturbances. It endeavors to offer the website for retrieval without interruption as far as possible. Despite all care, downtimes cannot be excluded.

III. All copyrights, brand rights, design rights and other rights for protecting intellectual property in connection with the website's contents (including the structure and visualisation of the website) are held by the operator or its licensors.

IV. The website may be used exclusively for the following purposes: (1.) Displaying this website, (2.) Checking information, and (3.) Using other features available on the website.

Any other use requires the prior written consent of the operator.

Processing, reproducing, disseminating and/or the public broadcasting of the website and its contents for commercial purposes are forbidden unless prior written consent has been provided. In particular, this also applies should automated systems or automated software be used for extracting contents.

All measures that could interfere with the function of the website are to be refrained from. This also includes measures that may result in an excessive or unreasonable load on the website infrastructure.

Without prejudice to other rights, in particular those arising from legal provisions, the operator reserves the right to exclude individual parties from using and accessing the website n the event of infringements of the terms and conditions of use.

V. This website may contain links to third party websites. he operator assumes no responsibility for the contents of these external websites, nor does it make these websites and their contents its own. Should the operator become aware or be informed that content to which it has provided a link results in liability under civil or criminal law, it will delete the relevant link.

Complaint procedure according to LkSG

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As DB InfraGO AG, we take responsibility for our work in Germany - but also in all other countries in which we operate. We therefore also expect our suppliers to treat people and the environment with respect as the basis for a reliable partnership.

With the introduction of the German Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG), the legislator has created the framework for responsible and sustainable value creation along the entire supply chain. As DB InfraGO AG, we comply with the requirements of the LkSG.

To ensure that the LkSG is complied with in our own business unit and in the supply chain, we have set up a complaints procedure. There, complaints and indications of human rights and environment-related risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environment-related obligations can be reported.

The complaints procedure can be accessed at Further information can also be found in our Rules of Procedure.


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