The following parking facilities are available for your car at this station.

DB BahnPark parking facilities
  • Address
    Am Alten Friedhof, 5 3 1 1 1 Bonn
    Parking spaces
    Opening hours
    Monday to Sunday, incl. public holidays
    From 0 to 24
    Payment options
    At the terminals on site: Credit Cards (Amex, CUP, Diners, Discover, JCB, Master, Visa), Apple Pay, Google Pay, Debit Card (Maestro), Debit Card (if credit card function is included), Girocard, vpay, Pcard
    Mobile payment
    Bei Zahlung mittels Kennzeicheneingabe in der Arivo-Pay-App (unter Kreditkarten (wie oben), Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna PayNow, Debit Card (mit Kreditkartenfunktion), vpay.
    1 hour
    1 day
Further parking facilities
Overview map of available parking spaces at Bonn Hbf

All existing parking facility information can be found at If necessary, other parking options are also indicated there.

Note on accessibility

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On parking facilities without barriers operated by DB BahnPark GmbH, people with a physical disability – or the person accompanying them – may park a car free of charge for a period of up to 24 hours. This service is available to holders of a blue or orange special parking permit (‘parking card for people with disabilities’), which is valid throughout Europe. The authorized person does not have to drive the car himself, but must be personally transported in the vehicle. If you have such a parking card, place it in a clearly visible position behind the windshield of your car instead of a parking ticket.